EChem offers real benefits and specific savings and profits as the result of the cooperation by:

  • Supervising the modernisation of sandwich panel production technology regarding to AUTOFORMULATION
  • Supervising the stabilisation of the production process of sandwich panels in customer factories according to their individual needs
  • The organisation of first and next technological trials towards the effective achievements of the required product characteristics without the necissity of expensive modernisation of the technological line
  • Extensive technological knowledge of use of sandwich panel production control techniques and the assessment of the final quality of the panels in relation to chemical raw materials.
  • Constant contact with specialists, technicians, chemists, engineers of suppliers and manufacturers in range of the chemical recipe components
  • Long-term cooperation with manufacturers of chemical reagents and chemical additives
  • Long and comprehensive experience in the implementation of chemical components on the lines of sandwich panels manufacturers

Cooperation with EChem is a real, easy-to-calculate benefits and savings, we offer a flexible collaboration preceded by an examination of the contractor’s expectations.